Sheryl Sandberg and Marianne Cooper Talk: The Anxieties of Modern Families
In an increasingly insecure economy, it’s easy to get bogged down with statistics and lose sight of the human costs of the recession. Stanford sociologist and lead researcher for the book Lean In, Marianne Cooper wants to change that. In her new book, Cut Adrift, Cooper weaves together deep data analysis of our frightening economic condition with real-world stories of families struggling to adjust. Hearing from everyone from suburban soccer moms to those struggling to feed their children, we’re given an intimate look at the challenges facing modern families, and how financial anxiety penetrates the daily lives of those at every socioeconomic level.
Whether it’s the wealthy seeking even stronger security or the poor trying to avoid further instability, Cut Adrift gives us a glimpse of changing gender dynamics and how families are coping in a go-it-alone economy. Hear Cooper in conversation with Founder Sheryl Sandberg, as they unpack the worries all American families face and brainstorm what can be done about it.

Marianne Cooper
Sociologist, Stanford University; Author, Cut Adrift

In conversation with Sheryl Sandberg
COO, Facebook; Founder, Lean In

Introduction by Jaleh Daie
Managing Partner, Aurora Equity; Former President, Association for Women in Science