Sathnam Sanghera with John Oliver: How Imperialism Has Shaped Modern Britain
The United States prides itself for its maverick soul, but Sathnam Sanghera says it inherited the ambition, brutality and thinking of its empire roots. Sanghera reveals the hidden legacies and modern realities of the British empire and makes the case that to understand America, we must first understand British imperialism.
He says the pernicious legacy of imperialism is rooted in our everyday lives yet remains shockingly obscured from view. Sanghera offers a sobering appraisal of Britain and America’s political histories to help us move forward to a more just future.
This program is online-only. Please pre-register to receive a link to the live-stream event.
Copies of Empireland are available for purchase during checkout (U.S. domestic shipping only).
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Sanghera photo by Chris Durlacher; Oliver photo courtesy the speaker.

Sathnam Sanghera
Author, Empireland: How Imperialism Has Shaped Modern Britain; Twitter @Sathnam

In Conversation with John Oliver
Host, "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"; Twitter @iamjohnoliver