The New California Health-Care Model
This program is supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation.
With single-payer health care being debated in Sacramento while the repeal of the Affordable Care Act winds its way through Congress, California is setting itself apart from the rest on the nation.
What will this new California model look like, and how will it lift up the underserved populations who need the most care? Is a single-payer system viable for the Golden State? Join us for a discussion on an important and timely issue that affects everyone in all corners of California.

Anna Gorman
Senior Correspondent, Kaiser Health News; Former Health Care Correspondent, Los Angeles Times

Mitchell Katz, M.D.
Director, Los Angeles County Health Agency; Former Director and Health Officer, San Francisco Department of Health

Anthony Wright
Executive Director, Health Access California

Lanhee Chen, Ph.D.
David and Diane Steffy Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; Director of Domestic Policy Studies, Stanford University

Alice Chen, M.D.
Professor, UCSF School of Medicine; Chief Medical Officer, San Francisco Health Network—Moderator