Nearly a year after Donald Trump was elected president, what has happened? What has changed? What promises have been kept and not kept?
It's Halloween, so we'll have some holiday treats in store — hopefully no tricks.
We'll discuss the biggest, most controversial and sometimes the surprising political issues with expert commentary by panelists who are smart, are civil and have a good sense of humor. Join our panelists for informative and engaging commentary on political and other major news, audience discussion of the week’s events, and our live news quiz!

Carson Bruno
Assistant Dean for Admission and Program Relations, School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University; Author, California Realpolitik Newsletter; Twitter @CarsonJFBruno

Bob Butler
Reporter, KCBS Radio; Twitter @bobbutler7

C.W. Nevius
Columnist, Santa Rosa Press Democrat; Former Columnist, San Francisco Chronicle; Twitter @cwnevius