State of the Union. Congress returns to session. And all the latest news from the never-predictable political scene these days.
We will discuss the biggest, most controversial and sometimes the surprising political issues with expert commentary by panelists who are smart, are civil and have a good sense of humor. We'll review some of the major events of the day, plus we'll provide an update on the results and effects of the November elections, and we'll talk a bit about what to expect in 2019. Our panelists will provide informative and engaging commentary on political and other major news; and we'll have audience discussion of the week’s events and our live news quiz!
Come early before the program for our members social hour (open to all attendees).

Carson Bruno
Assistant Dean and Adjunct Lecturer, School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University; Twitter @carsonjfbruno

Carla Marinucci
Senior Writer, Politico California Playbook; Twitter @cmarinucci

Doug Sovern
Political Reporter, KCBS Radio; Author; Twitter @SovernNation