Carson Bruno, Research Fellow Specializing in California Politics and Policy, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Twitter @carsonjfbruno
Melissa Caen, Political Analyst, CBS SF ("Mornings with Melissa"); Host, The Cheat Sheet; Attorney; Twitter @melissacaen1
Joe Garofoli, Senior Political Writer, San Francisco Chronicle; Twitter @joegarofoli
We'll start off with a special treat: Before our politics roundtable, political analyst Melissa Caen will give a lively 10-minute explainer on third parties — are the conservative leaders who are talking about a third-party challenge to Trump realistic? Is there still room for a third-party challenge to Clinton? Find out. We'll explore the biggest, most controversial, and sometimes the surprising political issues with expert commentary by panelists who are smart, are civil, and have a good sense of humor. Join our panelists for informative and engaging commentary on political and other major news, audience discussion of the week’s events, and our live news quiz! And come early before the program to meet other smart and engaged individuals and discuss the news over snacks and wine at our member social (open to all attendees).

Carson Bruno
Research Fellow Specializing in California Politics and Policy, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Twitter @carsonjfbruno

Melissa Caen
Political Analyst, CBS SF ("Mornings with Melissa"); Host, The Cheat Sheet; Attorney; Twitter @melissacaen1

Joe Garofoli
Senior Political Writer, San Francisco Chronicle; Twitter @joegarofoli

John Zipperer
Vice President of Media & Editorial, The Commonwealth Club—Host