Does the Bay Area have policies that affirm racism? Join INFORUM and KQED as we explore one of the most polarizing topics of our time, asking the questions that divide us and seeking answers that may unite us. Arrive early or stick around afterwards to mix and mingle with audience members and keep the conversation going. The evening will be moderated by Mina Kim, anchor and host at KQED, and include Alicia Garza, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, and Jeff Adachi, San Francisco public defender.
In association with KQED

Jeff Adachi
San Francisco Public Defender

Alicia Garza
Co-Founder, Black Lives Matter; Special Projects Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance; Activist; Writer

Nikki Jones
Professor of African-American Studies, UC Berkeley; Author, Between Good and Ghetto

Mina Kim
News Anchor and Friday's "Forum" Host, KQED—Moderator