Sex and Relationships in the Post-Pandemic Digital Age

Sex. Friendship. Love . . . . How have the pandemic and digital life changed these? What has been lost? What will slowly return? And what changes have actually been good for us?

Above all, what can we do to thrive in this new environment? What works well for meeting new people, for maintaining close relationships, and—yes—for finding romance and love in this new world of post-pandemic and digital life?

For more than 75 years, the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University has been a trusted source for scientific knowledge and research on critical issues in sexuality and relationships. They are the American pioneers in studies of human sexual behavior since issuing the groundbreaking Kinsey Reports in 1948 and 1953, and continuing to this day.

Today, we are fortunate that Dr. Justin Garcia, executive director of the Kinsey Institute and scientific advisor to, can visit with us to discuss what he has learned about this new environment, answer our questions, and help guide us onto a successful path.

Let's explore this brave new world of digital life together in this online discussion.


Eric Siegel

Image - Justin Garcia

Dr. Justin Garcia

Executive Director, Kinsey Institute; Ruth N. Halls Professor of Gender Studies, Indiana University; Scientific Advisor,; Author, The Intimate Animal (forthcoming)

Eric Siegel

Chair, Personal Growth Member-led Forum, The Commonwealth Club of California—Moderator