A Road Map for Revolutionaries: Tools for Everyday Activists

Just as American protests and demonstrations have garnered global attention in recent years, so have many popular and renowned leaders that are well versed in the ways of community organizing. But what can the average American do to make sure their voice is being heard in a way that is both knowledgeable and safe? What steps, large or small, can you make every day to be part of a revolution?

Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All is a direct and easy-to-read guidebook for those who are looking to make lasting change but aren’t sure where or how to get started. Co-authors Elisa Camahort Page and Carolyn Gerin will join INFORUM to discuss key issues such as navigating the government and elections, protecting yourself on both the frontlines of a protest and on the Internet, knowing your rights in the workplace, and much more. Whether you’re a seasoned activist, a newcomer considering joining your first demonstration or just curious about how you can help a cause you care about, the conversation is sure to be enlightening.

** This podcast contains explicit language **


Elisa Camahort Page

Author, Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All

Carolyn Gerin

Co-Founder, Cannawise; Author, Road Map for Revolutionaries: Resistance, Activism, and Advocacy for All

Guy Kawasaki

Chief Evangelist, Canva—Moderator