Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D., Ph.D., Former Chief Health Policy Advisor to the Obama Administration; Chair, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania
In Conversation with Mark Zitter, Chair, The Zetema Project
Underwritten by The California Wellness Foundation.
As U.S. health-care costs continue to grow, supporters of the Affordable Care Act point to a dramatic drop in uninsured citizens, while critics highlight skyrocketing premiums. But the arguments over cost and access largely ignore the impact on the delivery of health-care services to patients. How are care delivery systems transforming to provide Americans with high-quality care at affordable prices? How will Republican efforts to repeal and replace the ACA influence the delivery system? In this wide-ranging conversation, Obamacare architect and noted health policy expert Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel will discuss the impetus for delivery reform during the Trump era and specific practices that enable highly effective care delivery.

Ezekiel Emanuel
M.D., Ph.D., Former Chief Health Policy Advisor to the Obama Administration; Chair, Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy, University of Pennsylvania

In Conversation with Mark Zitter
Chair, The Zetema Project; Member, Commonwealth Club Board of Governors