Mastering Migraines: Prevention and Natural Strategies

Steve Blake, ScD, Faculty Nutritional Biochemist, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience; Research Scientist; Author, Mastering MigrainesParkinson’s Disease: Dietary Regulation of DopamineVitamins and Minerals DemystifiedA Nutritional Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease; Co-author, Mosby's Drug Guide for Nurses

Learn to identify and avoid your unique migraine triggers by looking at the most common triggers: food, odors, additives and deficiencies. All the information provided during this program will relate to safe treatments, which are available without the side effects that often come from taking prescription drugs. For example, you will learn about a histamine-free diet, which resulted in 68 percent of patients having half as many migraines. We will look at other natural treatments, such as: root powder, a single B vitamin, coenzyme Q10 and a medical plant. Taken together, these safe techniques have the potential to reduce migraines from three times a week to once every other month. In this program, Blake will outline some of the many safer, natural remedies for migraine headaches with the goal of helping you to become free from migraine pain.

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Steve Blake

ScD, Faculty Nutritional Biochemist, Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience; Research Scientist; Author, Mastering Migraines, Parkinson’s Disease: Dietary Regulation of Dopamine, Vitamins and Minerals Demystified, A Nutritional Approach to Alzheimer’s Disease; Co-author, Mosby's Drug Guide for Nurses