With the dramatic decline in bird populations and insect species, how can we help birds flourish in our cities and backyards? With the hope of protecting their continued survival, artist Sharon Beals has photographed and documented the intricacies of birds’ nests and their occupants. Beals will cover the feat of migration, a journey of up to 5,000 miles that a fledgling travels without any parental guidance, and how in our own lives we might be affecting their survival, even from a distance.
Beals is the author and photographer of Nests, a visual homage to birds, documenting the nest and eggs specimens dating from the 1800s to the present day. Beals’ sources include the California Academy of Sciences, the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in Berkeley, the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology in Camarillo, Cornell University Museum of Vertebrates and the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian. Select images from Nests are currently on view in the Farmer Gallery on the first floor until June 28.
MLF Organizer: Lynn Curtis
MLF: Arts

Sharon Beals
Author and Photographer, Nests