Mapping the Route to Equitable Road User Charges: The 13th Annual Mineta National Transportation Policy Summit

The accelerating transition to electric vehicles brings new urgency to discussions about how to replace fuel taxes with other broad-based, reliable sources of transportation revenue. From Wyoming to Delaware to California, more and more state legislatures are considering mileage fees, regions like the San Francisco Bay Area are considering expanded tolling, and New York City is within reach of adopting a congestion pricing proposal.

Overlaying these discussions is a persistent call to consider the equity of any new charges on drivers. How will the charges impact low-income drivers? Does payment require access to banking tools that are not universally available?

This event will explore proposals, including fee rates that vary by driver income, vehicle characteristics, or time and place, and equity-centered policies for responding to nonpayment of tolls or other fees.


This program is supported by the Mineta Transportation Institute at San José State University.

Image - Peter DeFazio

Featured Speaker: U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio

Member, U.S. House of Representatives (D-MA); Chair, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure for the 117th Congress

Image - Karen Philbrick

Fireside Chat with Karen Philbrick

Ph.D., Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute

Image - Polly Trottenberg

Keynote Speaker: Polly Trottenberg

Deputy Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation

Image - Jeff Morales

Q&A Moderator: Jeff Morales

Managing Principal, InfraStrategies, LLC

Image - Asha Weinstein Agrawal

Asha Weinstein Agrawal

Ph.D., Director, MTI National Transportation Finance Center

Image - James Corless

James Corless

Executive Director, Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG)

Image - Reema Griffith

Reema Griffith

Executive Director, Washington State Transportation Commission

Image - Hasan Ikhrata

Hasan Ikhrata

Executive Director, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG)

Image - Stephanie Wiggins

Stephanie Wiggins

Chief Executive Officer, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro)—Moderator