From millennial "womxn's" happiness to midlife career empowerment, ambitious working women climb succeed professionally not only by mastering their careers but also by simultaneously outsmarting gender bias, ageism and societal expectations that hold us back on the job and in life. Bring your lunch (if you like) and listen to experts discuss the surprising research and insights on how age and generation impact women. Come ready to engage in an intimate, very intergenerational discussion on how we—as ambitious "womxn"—can best build meaningful lives and satisfying careers from our 20s through our 80s and beyond.
Emily Howe
Your Bosslady Forum: The Executive Womxn forum is a discussion series of millennial and Gen X ladybosses, coming together with senior and retired Bay Area businesswomen, to expand our minds, outsmart all workplace "isms," rise together and really (really!) thrive in work and life.
MLF: Executive Womxn

Emily Howe
Corporate Gender Strategist

Mags Baker
Expert on Millennial Happiness at Work

Barbara Mark, Ph.D.
Midlife Women's Leadership Coach

Linda Calhoun
Founder, Career Girls