Ian Haney López and Alicia Garza: How the Left Can Win Again

Law professor Ian Haney López is one of the world’s pioneers of critical race theory. A challenger of the racial status quo, López has worked to emphasize the impact of racial divisions in the United States while also exploring how politicians exploit fractured societal structures to benefit the rich.

In his newest book, Merge Left: Fusing Race and Class, Winning Elections, and Saving America, López gives progressives the tools to fight politicized racism and build a multicultural future. López describes his last two years of research with union activists, racial justice leaders and statisticians, concluding that the “middle ground” of Americans can be persuaded Right or Left depending on the narrative of America that they are given. 

Join us for an important conversation with esteemed professor and author Ian Haney López as he gives us the tools to rebuild a better, racially equitable future. 

López photo by Jim Block

Garza photo by KK Ottesen

Image - López

Ian Haney López

Earl Warren Professor of Public Law, UC Berkeley; Author, Merge Left: Fusing Race and Class, Winning Elections, and Saving America; Twitter @IanHaneyLopez

Image - Alicia Garza

In Conversation with Alicia Garza

Principal, Black Futures Lab; Co-Founder, Black Lives Matter; Twitter:@aliciagarza