How to Make Sense of the Disorder in the Middle East

Yoaz Hendel, Ph.D., Military History; Director, Institute of Zionist Strategies
Robert Rosenthal, Executive Director, Center for Investigative Reporting—Moderator

Dr. Hendel, who describes himself as a pragmatic centrist with a national liberal identity, will discuss regional issues confronting the Middle East. He will also explore the influence of the Russian-Iranian relationship in the Middle East. 

Dr. Hendel is the director of the Institute of Zionist Strategies and is an award-winning radio and print commentator on political and human rights issues. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Began-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and was communication director for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 2011-12. His latest book is called, Iran vs Israel: A Shadow War.

Dr Yoaz Hendel

Yoaz Hendel

Ph.D., Military History; Director, Institute of Zionist Strategies

Robert Rosenthal

Executive Director, Center for Investigative Reporting—Moderator