How Climate Broke California’s Biggest Utility

PG&E has had a rough few years. A series of record-breaking wildfires culminating with 2018’s devastating Camp Fire propelled the California utility giant into lawsuits, $30 billion in liabilities and ultimately bankruptcy. Under new state laws, regulated utilities will have a hard time avoiding blame in fires where their equipment is involved—so what’s ahead for PG&E’s peers and their shareholders when a deadly blaze could spell bankruptcy? What happens when the California dream of living near nature is in direct conflict with disruptive tragedies fueled by climate change?

Join us with wildfire and energy experts for a discussion on the future of investor-owned utilities, renewable power, and winners and losers in an energy market hammered by climate disruption.  


PG&E - California’s Biggest Utility
Image - Ghenis

Alex Ghenis

Disability and Climate Change Specialist

Image - Grueneich

Dian Grueneich

Former Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission

Image - Lynch

Loretta Lynch

Former Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission

Image - Morris

JD Morris

Energy Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle

Image - Stern

Hunter Stern

Business Manager, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1245

Image - Toney

Mark Toney

Executive Director, The Utility Reform Network

Image - Wisland

Laura Wisland

Senior Manager of Western States Energy, the Union of Concerned Scientists

Image - Founder and Host, Climate One

Greg Dalton

Founder and Host, Climate One