This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation.
In an era where strong leadership qualities, for everyone from young college applicants to accomplished CEOs, are seemingly valued above all else, retired four-star General Stanley McChrystal offers his own experienced perspective on leadership. McChrystal has observed his fair share of successful and failed leaders—from his training at West Point to his service as top commander in Afghanistan under President Obama. In his most recent book, Leaders: Myth and Reality, McChrystal digs deeper into the legacies of famed leaders to better understand how particular environments determine what type of leader is needed.
Join us for a thoughtful analysis of well-known leaders and a discussion about personal application with one of today’s most decorated military leaders.

General Stanley McChrystal
Retired Army General; Author, Leaders: Myth and Reality; Twitter @StanMcChrystal

In Conversation with Adam Lashinsky
Executive Editor, Fortune