Diversity 2.0: A Modern Guide to Intersectionality and Allyship at Work

To promote women in the workplace, we need to understand how to advance and support working women of all kinds: women of all races; women with disabilities; immigrant women; women of various religions; women of all ages and generations; working moms, queer/trans women; and women who are first, only or different in any way. You are invited to join a vibrant panel discussion featuring experts and intersectional feminists from various angles of the diversity and inclusion world. There will be plenty of time for audience questions. You should attend if you want to get a sense of the first critical things about being a supporter to several key areas of diversity so you can be a better ally to groups that you're not in and so that you can strengthen your feminism and your women/workplace efforts with an understanding of all women.

MLF Organizer: Emily Meghan Morrow Howe

MLF: Executive Womxn

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Anastasia Bacigalupo

Director, Inclusivision

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Amie “Breeze" Harper, Ph.D.

Founder and Senior Diversity Strategist, Critical Diversity Solutions

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Emily Meghan Morrow Howe

President, American Association of Corporate Gender Strategy

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Steven Huang

Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Culture Amp

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Marco Lindsey

Diversity and Inclusion Champion and Ally; Chief of Staff, Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley