In a rare display of bipartisanship, Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA) and former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-CA) sat side by side recently, praising the state’s efforts to move the economy away from fossil fuels. Schwarzenegger said Washington, D.C. should learn from California, where several Republicans joined with Brown and Democrats to extend the state’s landmark climate law.

Some environmentalists said the law extending California’s cap-and-trade system to 2030 is a sellout to the oil industry and it shortchanges disadvantaged communities that breathe the dirtiest air. Silicon Valley companies supported the move as did many large environmental groups. How do California’s climate moves play into national politics and policy? Will climate and energy play a meaningful role in the upcoming midterm elections? Will companies finally make energy policy more of a priority?

Image - Baker

David R. Baker

Energy Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle

Image - Mielke

Mike Mielke

Senior Vice President, Environment and Energy at Silicon Valley Leadership Group

Image - Shah

Parin Shah

Senior Strategist, Asian Pacific Environmental Network

Image - Dalton

Greg Dalton

Founder and Host, Climate One