The United States was once the hope of the world, a beacon of freedom and the defender of liberal democracy. Nations and peoples on all continents looked to America to stand up for the values that created the western world and to oppose autocracy and repression. Even when America did not live up to its ideals, it still recognized their importance at home and abroad.
But as Bernard-Henri Lévy lays bare in his powerful and disturbing analysis of the world today, America is retreating from its traditional leadership role, and in its place have come five ambitious powers, former empires eager to assert their primacy and influence. Lévy shows how these five powers―Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and Sunni radical Islamism―are taking steps to undermine the liberal values that have been a hallmark of western civilization.
Please join us for a special talk with Bernard-Henri Lévy, one of the world's leading intellectuals.
Lévy photo by Jean Christophe Marmara, Figarophoto

Bernard-Henri Lévy
French Philosopher; Journalist; Filmmaker; Public Intellectual; Author, The Empire and the Five Kings (Forthcoming)

Robert Rosenthal
Board Member and Former Executive Director, Center for Investigative Reporting; Former Middle East Correspondent, The Philadelphia Inquirer—Moderator