Avoiding Scams, Fraud and Financial Exploitation

One in ten older Americans is impacted by scams, frauds or elder abuse each year. Every day brings another way that scam artists, abusers and fraudsters have invented to separate you from your retirement funds. Whether by email, social media, phone or other means, the creativity of these bad actors is matched only by their malicious intent. Learn how to spot the risk factors that make someone vulnerable to scams, and learn what you can do to avoid them.  

From 2000–2007, Twomey ran a local multi-disciplinary Consortium for Elder Abuse Prevention in San Francisco. Before that, she spent 11 years at AARP and, among other things, ran their National Guardianship Monitoring Project. Mary's interest in aging and elder justice issues was kindled when her grandparents came to live with her family when she was a child. She has a Master’s degree in Social Work with a concentration in gerontology.


Denise Michaud


MLF: Grownups

Image - Mary Twomey

Mary Twomey

Aging Program Specialist, Administration for Community Living, Office of Elder Justice and Adult Protective Services; Former Co-director, National Center on Elder Abuse and the Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect, UC Irvine