Asian Pacific Islander Equality Northern California: Sammie Ablaza Wills

Sammie is a queer, non-binary Pilipinx person with a vivid love for their chosen family, social justice, and grassroots organizing. Currently director of APIENC, a trans and queer Asian and Pacific Islander grassroots organization in the SF Bay Area, Sammie's politics have grown from years of witnessing xenophobia, fighting budget cuts in public schools and learning about trans Pilipinos fighting colonization. It’s from these knowledges that Sammie has worked to train hundreds of young, trans, queer, Asian people to lead from values of abundance and interdependence. Sammie believes that anything can be turned into a chant and brought onto the streets (literally and emotionally). 

Join us as Michelle Meow brings her long-running daily radio show to The Commonwealth Club one day each week. Meet fascinating—and often controversial—people discussing important issues of interest to the LGBTQ community, and have your questions ready.

See more upcoming Michelle Meow Shows at The Commonwealth Club here.


Sammie Ablaza Wills

Director, APIENC

Image - Meow

Michelle Meow

Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (Radio and KBCW TV); Twitter @msmichellemeow

Image - John Zipperer

John Zipperer

Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host