The new documentary Is America in Retreat? examines the greatest foreign policy debate of our decade and the hard questions American leaders face in dealing with a rapidly changing world order. Since the Second World War, the United States has been at the forefront of a Pax Americana—a period of relative peace guaranteed by U.S. military might. Today, that peace is threatened by an ambitious and aggressive foreign policy in China, Russian territorial claims and occupations in Eastern Europe, and deteriorating conditions in the Middle East and North Korea. More than half of Americans polled today believe we should “mind our own business.” Is there a downside to retreat, or does the world still require American global leadership? Come view a clip of the documentary. A discussion will follow.

Image - Norberg

Johan Norberg

Senior Fellow, Cato Institute; Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy in Brussels; Executive Editor, Free to Choose Media

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David R. Henderson

Professor of Economics, Naval Postgraduate School; Research Fellow, Hoover Institution 

Elan Bentov

Co-Director and Writer, Is America In Retreat?

Kip Perry

Executive/Director, Is America In Retreat?—Moderator