Adam Hochschild: A Humane Life's Work

Join us for a virtual conversation with Adam Hochschild, the award-winning author who has spent his literary life delving into the details of crises inflicted on ourselves by man's inhumanity to man, and our rising above such crises through passionate involvement to bring better ideas to bear upon our culture.

We will discuss Hochschild's research into colonialism in the Belgian Congo, the unfounded hopes that World War I would end all wars, the painful outcome of the Spanish Civil War, the horrors of Stalin's follies, the unlikely triumph over legalized slavery, and another triumph over apartheid, plus the unlikely story of Rose Pastor Stokes, a Rebel Cinderella devoted to social justice.

MLF Organizer: George Hammond

MLF: Humanities

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Adam Hochschild

Journalist; Historian; Lecturer; Author, King Leopold's Ghost, To End All Wars, Spain in Our Hearts, Rebel Cinderella

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In Conversation with George Hammond

Author, Conversations With Socrates