Aarti Kohli on The Michelle Meow Show 10/25/18

The month of October is dedicated to immigration issues on The Michelle Meow Show at The Commonwealth Club.

Our guest this week: Aarti Kohli

Aarti Kohli landed in Queens, New York, as a seven-year-old with her family and saw first-hand what it means to be a struggling immigrant in the United States. She is currently the executive director at Advancing Justice-Asian Law Caucus, the first organization in the country to represent and promote the legal and civil rights of Asian and Pacific Islander communities. At Advancing Justice-ALC she oversees key program areas, including national security and civil rights, immigration, and criminal justice reform. She also helps guide the state and national policy work of the Advancing Justice affiliation with partners in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. Formerly, she was the director of immigration policy at the Warren Institute at UC Berkeley School of Law, where one of her key projects involved creating an intensive immigration seminar for professional journalists. Prior to her work in California, she worked in Washington, D.C., as Judiciary Committee counsel to Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA) and as assistant legislative director at UNITE union, where she lobbied on behalf of low-income garment workers who were primarily immigrant women. 

Join us as Michelle Meow brings her long-running daily radio show to The Commonwealth Club one day each week. Meet fascinating—and often controversial—people discussing important issues of interest to the LGBTQ community, and have your questions ready.

See more upcoming Michelle Meow Shows at The Commonwealth Club here.

Image - Meow

Michelle Meow

Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (Radio and TV); President, SFPride; Twitter @msmichellemeow

Image - Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host

John Zipperer

Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host