The 2020 Census and the LGBTQ+ Community

In 2020, the United States will conduct its 24th census. Will LGBTQI+ people be counted? Will they even bother to fill out the census forms? The results of the country's every-10-years census are used in everything from apportioning representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives to the provision of social services.

Join us for a timely discussion about why the census is important to LGBTQI+ people and how it impacts resources for members of our community. 

El Censo del 2020 y la Comunidad LGBTQ+

En el 2020, los Estados Unidos llevará a cabo el censo por vigésimocuarta vez. ¿Se contará a las personas LGBTQI+? ¿Se molestarán siquiera en rellenar los formularios del censo? El censo ocurre cada 10 años y los resultados se usan para tomar decisiones importantes, desde cuántos representantes del Congreso recibe cada estado hasta la provisión de servicios sociales.

Únete a una conversación oportuna sobre por qué el censo es importante para las personas LGBTQI+ y cómo afecta los recursos disponibles para miembros de nuestra comunidad.


In association with the the Office of Transgender Initiatives, the Office of Civic Engagement and Immigrant Affairs, and the SF LGBT Center; Este evento esta copatrocinado por la Oficina de Iniciativas Transgénero, la Oficina de Participación Cívica y Asuntos de Inmigrantes, y el Centro LGBT de SF como parte de una serie de eventos para la campaña SF Counts.

This program is part of a series of events for the SF Counts campaign

Hero image by Jamie Richardson

Image - Clair Farley

Clair Farley

Senior Advisor to the Mayor and Director of the Office of Transgender Initiatives, San Francisco

Image - Honey Mahogany

Honey Mahogany

Activist; Drag Queen; Co-founder, Compton's Transgender Cultural District; Member, San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee; Co-owner, Stud Bar; Legislative Aide to Supervisor Matt Haney (District 6)

Image - Rafael Mandelman

Rafael Mandelman

Supervisor (District 8), San Francisco; Former Deputy City Attorney, Oakland; Former Trustee, City College of San Francisco

Image - Jessy Ruiz

Jessy Ruiz

Immigrant Rights Commissioner

Image - José "Jojo" Ty

José "Jojo" Ty

Youth Commissioner (District 8); Certified Community Health Worker

Image - Michelle Meow

Michelle Meow

Producer and Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (TV and Radio); Member, Commonwealth Club Board of Governors