15th Annual Mineta National Transportation Policy Summit—Beyond the Pump: Rethinking Transportation Funding Without the Fuel Tax
While the climate benefits from booming electric vehicle sales, the nation’s transportation system faces an unfortunate predicament: less gasoline and diesel purchased means dwindling fuel tax revenue. Fuel tax revenue provides a core funding source for operating, maintaining, and improving transportation systems, so policymakers must find a replacement as soon as possible.
This event explores such options as mileage fees, higher annual vehicle fees, or abandoning the user-pay principle and relying on general fund revenue.
This program is supported by the Mineta Transportation Institute at San José State University.
The Commonwealth Club of California
United States

MTI Tax Survey Presenter: Asha Weinstein Agrawal
Ph.D., Director, MTI National Transportation Finance Center

Carlos Braceras
Executive Director, Utah Department of Transportation

Jeff Davis
Senior Fellow, Eno Center for Transportation

Ed Sniffen
Director, Hawaii Department of Transportation

Tim Gatz
Executive Director, Oklahoma Department of Transportation

Panel Moderator: David “Davey” S. Kim
Senior Vice President & Principal, National Transportation Policy and Multimodal Strategy, WSP

Additional Speakers TBA