An Evening with 'Science Friday''s Ira Flatow
Radio and TV journalist Ira Flatow produced his first science stories back in 1970 during the inaugural Earth Day. Since then, he has worked for Emmy Award-winning science programs and covered science for a number of high-profile news organizations, and has hosted the popular public radio program “Science Friday” for more than three decades. In the process he has become a well-known and influential popularizer of science for millions of people—a status crowned by repeated appearances as himself on the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory.”
In his career, Flatow has interviewed countless scientists and other experts about the most exciting developments in science. Now the Club welcomes Flatow to our headquarters for a special evening of conversation in which we interview him.
Join us for our program with the one and only Ira Flatow.
In Partnership with Science Friday.
Flatow photo by Tim Coffey; Newitz photo by Sarah Deragon.
The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Taube Family Auditorium
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

Ira Flatow
Host and Executive Producer, "Science Friday"; X @iraflatow

In Conversation with Annalee Newitz
Journalist; Author; Co-Host, “Our Opinions Are Correct” Podcast; X @Annaleen