Week to Week Political Roundtable: August 2, 2023
Come on out for an in-person summertime Week to Week political roundtable.
At Week to Week, we're dedicated to the lively and informed discussion of politics—with a good sense of humor—as a platform for healthy involvement in the issues that drive our society. The Commonwealth Club's Week to Week Political Roundtable and social hour, now in its 12th year, will take a look at the politics of the day—the issues, the people, and the trends affecting our political world.
Come early before the program and enjoy some wine and snacks with others, then grab a seat in the auditorium to hear our panel of political experts discuss the latest developments with knowledge, civility and humor.
See other upcoming Week to Week political roundtables, as well as audio and video of past Week to Week programs.
The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Taube Family Auditorium
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

Melissa Caen
Host, “Get Out the Bet” Podcast; Political Analyst; Attorney; Twitter @ConstitutionMel

Dr. Larry Gerston
Political Science Professor Emeritus, San Jose State University; NBC Bay Area Political Analyst; Author, California's Recall Election of Gavin Newsom: COVID-19 and the Test of Leadership; Twitter @lgerston

Carla Marinucci
Former Writer, Politico California Playbook; Former Senior Political Writer, San Francisco Chronicle; Threads: carlamarinucci

John Zipperer
Producer and Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable; Vice President of Media & Editorial, The Commonwealth Club of California—Host