Black Women Lead: Stories From the Bay Area
As we celebrate Black History Month, we honor the leadership of Black women from the Bay Area, including congresswoman Barbara Lee and Vice President Kamala Harris. Today, a historic number of Black women are serving on school boards, transit agencies, and city councils—and blazing the trail for the next generation of diverse civic leaders in this region. What’s more, an impressive cohort of Bay Area Black women are running for local and statewide office in the upcoming midterm elections.
Join the San Francisco Foundation and The Commonwealth Club of California to learn about the leadership journeys of Black women from the Bay Area who are either serving in or running for public office. Speakers include BART Board Director Lateefah Simon, Emeryville City Councilmember Courtney Welch, California Assembly District 20 candidate Jennifer Esteen, and Oakland mayoral candidate Allyssa Victory.
This program is made possible by San Francisco Foundation's Bay Area Leads donors.
The Commonwealth Club of California
United States

Jennifer Esteen
California Assembly District 20 Candidate; Trustee, Alameda Health System

Lateefah Simon
Board Director, BART

Allyssa Victory
Oakland Mayoral Candidate; Staff Attorney, Criminal Justice Program, ACLU of Northern California

Courtney Cecelia Welch
Emeryville City Councilwoman; Director of Policy and Communications, Bay Area Community Land Trust

Brandi Howard
Chief of Staff, San Francisco Foundation—Moderator