Past Event

Finding Humanity at End of Life: A Provocative Evening with Pastor Corey Kennard and Dr. Jessica Zitter

This event explores faith and inequity among the seriously ill and dying in our healthcare system. What role does spirituality play at end of life and in a health care setting? How can healthcare providers build trust with patients across cultures and faith traditions? How can we address the inequities faced by African Americans when seeking care at the end of life? Join Pastor Corey Kennard, Healthcare Activist and Lead Pastor of Detroit’s Amplify Christian Church, and Dr. Jessica Zitter, author and physician at Oakland’s Highland Hospital, for a rich conversation about improving end of life care.

Mark Zitter

This event is part of the Reimagine End of Life, a festival exploring big questions about life and death through creativity and conversation, taking place throughout the Bay Area on Oct. 24-Nov. 3.

MLF: Health & Medicine


October 30, 2019

The Commonwealth Club
110 The Embarcadero
Toni Rembe Rock Auditorium
San Francisco, 94105
United States

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Corey L. Kennard

Pastor, Amplify Christian Church

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Jessica Nutik Zitter, M.D., MPH

Critical and Palliative Care Specialist; Author, Extreme Measures

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In Conversation with the Rev. Cynthia Carter Perrilliat, MPA

Executive Director, Alameda County Care Alliance