Past Event

Kevin Bard, President of the Harvey Milk Democratic Club

San Bernardino native Kevin Bard earned a Bachelor's and Master's degree in political science from San Francisco State University with a focus on American politics and political theory. His thesis is a biography of his former local supervisor Ed Jew. He began his journey in local politics in college with the SF State Young Democrats, then joining the San Francisco Young Democrats. He worked for the California Democratic Party as the volunteer coordinator during the 2008 coordinated campaign with the Obama Campaign.

Kevin then joined the Harvey Milk Club‚a decade agi—and worked his way up to the organization's president in 2019. Just prior to that, he worked as a campaign organizer at the Nancy Pelosi Red To Blue office, which helped flip the House of Representatives and then convened the California AD 17 delegate election in January a few days before winning the Milk Club presidency.

Join us as Michelle Meow brings her long-running daily radio show to The Commonwealth Club one day each week. Meet fascinating—and often controversial—people discussing important issues of interest to the LGBTQ community, and have your questions ready.

See more upcoming Michelle Meow Shows at The Commonwealth Club here.


This program was rescheduled from August 15

September 12, 2019

The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Max Thelen Boardroom
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Image - Kevin Bard

Kevin Bard

President, Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club

Image - Meow

Michelle Meow

Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (Radio and KBCW TV); Twitter @msmichellemeow

Image - John Zipperer

John Zipperer

Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host