Singer-Songwriter Matt Alber on The Michelle Meow Show
Join us as Michelle Meow brings her long-running daily radio show to The Commonwealth Club one day each week. Meet fascinating—and often controversial—people discussing important issues of interest to the LGBTQ community, and have your questions ready.
This week's in-studio guest is singer and songwriter Matt Alber.
Portland-based singer/songwriter Matt Alber is currently touring his fourth self-produced studio album entitled Wind Sand Stars. The album features original pop/folk art songs rooted in melody with vocals reminiscent of Rufus Wainwright, Iron & Wine and John Grant.
In 2014, Lincoln Center in New York invited Matt to perform on its esteemed American Songbook series, which garnered a review by The New York Times. In 2015, he was selected by the U.S. State Department as a musical ambassador to Russia, Hungary, Kosovo and to Sudan, where he taught recording arts and sciences to young artists in Khartoum.
Matt's music has been featured on ABC Family's series "The Fosters" and "Bones" and he appears on two Grammy Award-winning classical albums recorded at George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch with the acapella men's ensemble Chanticleer.
See more upcoming Michelle Meow Shows at The Commonwealth Club here.
The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Max Thelen Boardroom
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Matt Alber
Singer; Songwriter; Twitter @mattalber

Michelle Meow
Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (Radio and KBCW TV); Twitter @msmichellemeow

John Zipperer
Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host