The Art of Flirting
Don't let shyness prevent you from meeting your Valentine! In today's world of apps and texting, the delightful, seductive art of flirtation has been lost—so much the better for those who know its secrets. And who better to teach us than Rich Gosse? Gosse is the chairperson of the world's largest nonprofit singles organization, author of nine books on dating, guest on hundreds of TV shows (including “Oprah,” CNN, and “The Today Show”), and organizer of thousands of singles parties.
Gosse will share three techniques for meeting anyone at any time and at any place. Equally important, we'll learn how to feel attractive without resorting to liquid courage, and how to handle rejection without feeling discouraged. There will also be a flirting contest with prizes, where Gosse will crown Mr. and Ms. San Francisco Flirt. Compete for the title or just sit back and enjoy the fun. (The winner of Gosse’s first San Francisco flirting contest so impressed Oprah that she flew Ms. San Francisco Flirt to Chicago to be on her talk show.) So stop hugging the wall, a drink or the person you don't want. Come get advice from Gosse, and become the man or woman everyone wants to meet.
MLF: Personal Growth
The Commonwealth Club
110 The Embarcadero
Toni Rembe Rock Auditorium
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Rich Gosse
Chairperson, Society of Single Professionals; Executive Director, the International Association of Dating Websites; Founder, ThePartyHotline.com; Author; The Donald Trump Syndrome: Why Women Choose the Wrong Men to Love