Past Event

Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson has been a conservative mainstay for the better part of two decades. As the host of Fox News Channel’s highly rated “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” he is an outspoken supporter of President Trump’s agenda.

In his new book, Ship of Fools, Carlson says that America is run by “the new American elites, a group whose power and wealth has grown beyond imagination even as the rest of the country has withered… They have total contempt for you.” Carlson adds that “Left and right are no longer meaningful categories in America. The rift is between those who benefit from the status quo, and those who don’t.”

Join us for a rare visit with this provocative broadcaster who has the ear of the president and represents a significant constituency. Bring your questions.  


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October 17, 2018

Marines' Memorial Theatre
609 Sutter St.
2nd Floor
San Francisco, 94102
United States

Image - Carlson

Tucker Carlson

Host, Fox News’ "Tucker Carlson Tonight," Author, Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution

In Conversation with Lanhee Chen

Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; Director, Domestic Policy Studies at Stanford University