Activist Cat Brooks on The Michelle Meow Show 9/6/18
This week's in-studio guest: Cat Brooks
Cat Brooks is an artivist and mother who has spent her life working on many social justice issues. In 2009, Cat joined the fight for Oscar Grant and was instrumental in developing organizing and communications strategies and leading multiple demonstrations. In 2013, Cat co-founded the Anti Police-Terror Project (APTP) whose mission is to rapidly respond to - and eradicate - state violence in communities of color. APTP has successfully developed a model for first response to police violence that is currently being replicated across the state of California and the country.
Brooks is also the executive director of The Justice Teams Network. The JTN is a project in partnership with Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors that supports organizations and individuals across the state who are working to rapidly respond to state violence in their communities. Brooks is also the co-host of the morning drivetime radio show UpFront on Pacifica’s KPFA Radio Network.
Cat is also a member of ONYX, the Black Power Network, Black Lives Matter-Bay Area and one of the Black Friday 14; a group of Black activists who locked down the West Oakland BART station on Black Friday in 2014. She recently wrote, starred and produced a one-woman show about the in-custody Tasing death of Natasha McKenna in a Fairfax County Jail in 2015. She lives in West Oakland with her daughter and her husband.
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Michelle Meow
Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" (Radio and TV); President, SFPride; Twitter @msmichellemeow

John Zipperer
Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-Host