Week to Week Politics Roundtable and Social Hour 8/27/18
It's our final Week to Week of the summer!
We will discuss the biggest, most controversial and sometimes the surprising political issues with expert commentary by panelists who are smart, are civil and have a good sense of humor. Our panelists will provide informative and engaging commentary on political and other major news, and we'll have audience discussion of the week’s events and our live news quiz!
And come early before the program to meet other smart and engaged individuals and discuss the news over snacks and wine at our members social (open to all attendees).
2 FREE DRINK TICKETS! Each Week to Week attendee will get 2 free drink tickets for a glass of wine or a soft drink during our member social, featuring the Club label Chardonnay or Pinot Noir
The Commonwealth Club
110 The Embarcadero
Taube Family Auditorium
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Barbara Marshman
Former Editorial Pages Editor, Mercury News; Twitter @barbmarshman

Guy Marzorati
Politics Reporter, KQED News; Twitter @guymarzorati

Dan Schnur
Professor, University of Southern California Annenberg School of Communications and the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies; Twitter @danschnur