Past Event

Robert Reich: Fighting for The Common Good

Robert Reich is one of the most beloved and influential voices in progressive politics today. In his new book, The Common Good, the former secretary of labor, and professor of public policy at U.C. Berkeley, contends that America has trapped itself in a vicious cycle of “whatever it takes” that has left us more divided than ever. As a result, Americans are experiencing an erosion of trust in our media, the largest income inequality in modern history, and the resurgence of nationalist movements and racist rhetoric.

Yet despite this political bickering, Reich argues this cycle can—and must—be reversed. He believes that Americans should focus on our shared ideals and values, rather than what divides us. Join us as Robert Reich visits The Commonwealth Club to discuss how we can work together to create a stronger future for all.

Reich will discuss his belief that "the political class is beholden to special interests who demand unsustainable spending, and that the unfunded liability crisis can be solved if we unshackle the engines of economic growth."


Each ticket includes a copy of Robert Reich's new book, The Common Good.

Reich photo by Delaney Inamine

This program is sold out; no tickets will be sold at the door.

April 25, 2018

The Commonwealth Club
110 The Embarcadero
Taube Family Auditorium
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Image - Robert Reich

Robert Reich

Chancellor's Professor and Carmel P. Friesen Chair in Public Policy, UC Berkeley; Former U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Clinton; Author, The Common Good

Image - Clara Jeffery

Clara Jeffery

Editor in Chief, Mother Jones