Exposed: Dieselgate's Impact on the Auto Industry
Volkswagen’s brazen cheating on air pollution rules rocked an industry with a long history of skulduggery. One VW executive went to jail for his role in Dieselgate and the plot thickened recently with revelations that VW, BMW and Mercedes paid researchers who locked monkeys in a room watching cartoons and pumped in diesel exhaust from a VW Beetle rigged with the cheating software. The two-year-old scandal has already cost VW $30 billion and the company has pledged to invest $40 billion in electric vehicles.
Tesla’s revenues are growing but the pure-electric car maker is still burning billions of dollars a year. Will the newly energized push toward electric cars by VW, GM and other companies expand the market and drive down prices? Or could Tesla get squeezed as it struggles to scale up its assembly line?
Join us for a dirty tale and a glimpse into a cleaner future.
This program is generously underwritten by the ClimateWorks Foundation
The Commonwealth Club
110 The Embarcadero
Max Thelen Boardroom
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Margo Oge
Former Director, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. EPA

Alberto Ayala, Ph.D., M.S.E.
Executive Director, Air Pollution Control Officer, Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

Greg Dalton
Founder and Host, Climate One

Additional Speakers TBA