Hella Black on The Michelle Meow Show 3/22/18
Michelle Meow, Host, the "Michelle Meow Show" (Radio and TV); President, SFPride; Twitter @msmichellemeow
John Zipperer, Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable, The Commonwealth Club—Co-host
Join us as Michelle Meow brings her long-running daily radio show to The Commonwealth Club one day each week, exploring important issues of interest to the LGBTQ community.
Our in-studio special guests this week: Blake Simons and Delency Parham
Blake Simons is an educator from the Bay Area. He is the co-founder of People’s Breakfast Oakland and co-hosts Hella Black Podcast. He is one of the founders of the Fannie Lou Hamer Black Resource Center at UC Berkeley and teaches an African-American Studies seminar at the university. Blake is also a member of American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s national Loss and Bereavement Council. He hopes to uphold the long tradition of Black resistance, and his end goal is the liberation of all Black lives.
Delency Parham is a journalist and organizer from North Oakland, California. As the cohost of the Hella Black Podcast, Parham aims to provide political education for Black folks around the world. He is also the cofounder of People’s Breakfast Oakland, a group responsible for feeding and clothing over 1,000 houseless people in Oakland. He works every day toward the liberation of all Black folks
See upcoming Michelle Meow Shows at The Commonwealth Club here.
Note new time
The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Michelle Meow
Host, "The Michelle Meow Show" on TV and Radio; twitter @msmichellemeow

John Zipperer
Host, Week to Week Political Roundtable; Vice President of Media & Editorial, The Commonwealth Club