Mighty Ideas and the Power of Change with Nilofer Merchant
If you’re like most people, you wish you had the ability to make a difference, but don’t have the credentials, a seat at the table or can’t get past the gatekeepers.
Innovation expert Nilofer Merchant reveals that we have now reached an unprecedented moment of opportunity for your ideas to “make a dent” on the world. The power is no longer determined by your status, but by “onlyness” — that spot in the world where only you stand in, a function of your distinct history and experiences, visions and hopes.
She says that this new ability is already within your grasp, but to command it, you need to know how to meaningfully mobilize others around your ideas. Join us as Merchant, in conversation with Kara Swisher, shares some inspirational stories that reveal proven strategies to unleash the might of a new idea, no matter how weird or wild it may seem.
MLF: Business & Leadership
Hotel Nikko
222 Mason St.
Monterey Room, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, 94102
United States

Nilofer Merchant
Innovation Expert; Author, The Power of Onlyness: Make Your Wild Ideas Mighty Enough to Dent the World; Twitter @nilofer

Kara Swisher
Executive Editor, ReCode, Host, "Recode Decode" Podcast, Co-Executive Producer, Code Conference—Moderator