John Mackey, Co-Founder and CEO of Whole Foods Market
This program is part of our Food Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation.
Mackey makes the case for why a whole food, plant-based diet is optimum for a long, healthy, disease-free life. As one of the leaders of this plant-based movement, Mackey shares his vision and discusses the science behind changing the way we eat. He will also address food, politics and health as well as the ethical and environmental impact of our dietary habits.
Photo from Whole Foods Market
Cubberley Theatre (near Montrose and Middlefield)
4000 Middlefield Rd.
Palo Alto, 94303
United States

John Mackey
Co-Founder and CEO, Whole Foods Market; Co-Author, The Whole Foods Diet: The Lifesaving Plan for Health and Longevity

In Conversation with Alison van Diggelen
Host, "Fresh Dialogues"; BBC Contributor