Past Event

Building a Memorial to the Comfort Women

On International Women's Day, recently retired judges Lillian Sing and Julie Tang will present the history of the "comfort  women," a euphemism for the sexual slavery of hundreds of thousands of women and girls (whose death rate during enslavement was 87 percent) by the Japanese imperial government in 13 Asia-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. This history will be memorialized in the soon-to-be-installed “Comfort Women” Memorial in San Francisco. Judges Sing and Tang will review the 20th century history of war-time atrocities against women and also touch on current efforts to fight against modern-day sexual slavery.

George Hammond

MLF: Humanities

March 8, 2017

The Commonwealth Club of California
555 Post St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States

Lillian Sing

Judge Lillian Sing


Judge Julie Tang

Judge Julie Tang
