Dietary Supplements: Making the Best Choices
Americans, hoping to improve their health, spend more than $30 billion annually on vitamins and dietary supplements. This market is carefully protected by the industry, but only lightly regulated by the government.
Join Drs. Blonz and Swartzberg as they tell us what researchers have been learning about popular dietary supplements—what’s worthwhile, what’s potentially harmful, what’s a waste of money and what’s still unknown.
The program includes complimentary light hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar from 7:00-7:40. Conversation begins promptly at 7:45 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m.
This program is sponsored by Relevant Wealth Advisors and an anonymous donor
Outdoor Art Club
One West Blithdale
Mill Valley, 94941
United States

Edward R. Blonz
M.S., Ph.D., Assistant Clinical Professor, Clinical Pharmacy, University of California San Francisco

John Edward Swartzberg
M.D., FACP, Chair, Editorial Board, University of California Berkeley Wellness Letter; Clinical Professor Emeritus, Health and Medical Sciences, School of Public Health, University of California Berkeley

Catherine Heenan
News Anchor and Reporter, KRON4-TV, San Francisco—Moderator