The Science of Coffee
Can UC Davis do for the coffee industry what it’s done for the wine industry?
Ristenpart is head of the Coffee Center, the first multidisciplinary university research center in the world devoted to post-harvest studies of coffee and designed to generate unparalleled teaching, research and collaborative opportunities for students, scientists and engineers.
The project has its roots in the Engineering Department, where Ristenpart co-developed the “Design of Coffee” course that became hugely popular with both science and java junkies and boasts the highest enrollment of any elective course on campus.
Come learn about the core engineering and science principles involved in roasting and brewing the perfect cup of coffee and participate in an informal coffee “cupping” sponsored by Peet’s Coffee.
Photo by Julius Schorzman
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William Ristenpart
Joe and Essie Smith Endowed Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of California-Davis