What's Wrong with Mindfulness (and What Isn't)

In his new book, Rosenbaum and co-editor Barry Magidin bring together various essayists who examine critical concerns and creative engagment of zen experience with mindfulness practice. The marketplace, mindfulness myths, fantasies and facts, solitude and mindfulness in the arts, feminism and Zen liberation, Western Buddhism—all consider the topic. Rosenbaum introduces the topic with the "Zen in America" question of "Universal Mindfulness—Be careful what you wish for?"

Robert Meikyo Rosenbaum is a neuropsychologist and psychotherapist who is a Zen practitioner and senior teacher in the Taoist practice Dayan QiGong. 

Anne W. Smith

MLF: The Arts

This program is sold out; no tickets will be sold at the door.

February 15, 2017

The Commonwealth Club of California
555 Post St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States

Robert Rosenbaum

Robert Rosenbaum

Neurophsychologist; Psychotherapist; Co-editor, What's Wrong with Mindfulness (and What Isn't); Author, Walking the Way: 81 Zen Encounters with the Tao Te Ching and Zen and the Heart of Psychotherapy