Global Women Speak: Advice for Our New President on Issues Facing Women Around the World
Join author Jessica Buchleitner and contributors Silvia Vasquez Lavado (Peru), Nwe Oo (Bangladesh/Burma border), Masha Maslova(Moldova), and Boona Cheema (India) as they offer advice for our new U.S. president to tackle the most prominent issues women face globally.
Will the United States take a stand to ratify the CEDAW ordinance? What will be the fate of immigrant women with children and the programs they depend on? Each contributor offers her story and unique experiences serving communities through various means.
MLF: International Relations
In association with the Women's Intercultural Network (WIN)
The Commonwealth Club
555 Post Street
San Francisco, 94105
United States

Jessica Buchleitner
Journalist; Author, 50 Women Anthology Series

Silvia Vasquez-Lavado
First Peruvian Woman to Summit Mt. Everest; Executive Director, Courageous Girls; Principal of Enterprise Technology, eBay

Nwe Oo
Member, United Nations Delegation, Commission on the Status on the Women, UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN Sustainable Development Goals

Masha Maslova
Engagement Manager, Silicon Valley Talent Partnership; Co-founder, El Shadai Foster Home, Uganda

Boona Cheema
Former Executive Director, Building Opportunities for Self-Sufficiency (BOSS)