Ferguson, The Bay Area and Beyond: A Conversation About Race and Justice
Brittany Ferrell, Ferguson Activist & Organizer, Millennial Activists United
Tef Poe, Ferguson Activist & Organizer, Hands Up United; Hip Hop Artist
Torey Russell, Ferguson Activist & Organizer, Hands Up United
Alexis Templeton, Ferguson Activist & Organizer, Millennial Activists United
Phil Agnew, Executive Director, Dream Defenders
Michelle Alexander, Civil Rights Attorney; Social Justice Advocate; Author, The New Jim Crow
John Burris, Civil Rights Attorney
Jari “Sojari” Bradley, Slam Poetry Performer
Michael McBride, Lead Pastor, The Way Christian Center, Berkeley CA; Director of Urban Strategies, PICO National Network
Van Jones, Host, “Crossfire”; Former Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, White House Council on Environmental Quality
On Saturday, August 9, unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was killed by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Missouri. The killing inspired protests, outrage and organizational efforts from communities across the country. It has also prompted a national dialogue over such issues as the systemic criminalization of young black men, racial power disparities and how the American justice system can best protect the civil rights of all.
This event will bring together friends and neighbors of Michael Brown, civic organizers and activists, legal experts and national civil rights leaders, all with on-the-ground experience. Hear their views of what happened in Ferguson, its legal and social ramifications, and their thoughts on how non-violent civic engagement can help address these institutional challenges.
Glide Memorial Church
330 Ellis St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States

See speaker list at left