Week to Week Political Roundtable and Member Social 5/19/14
What do you think Karl Rove meant with his recent comments? Is The New York Times a good place for female journalists to get ahead? Which GOP challenger is going to attempt to unseat Governor Brown?
California's electing new leaders this year, and issues like income inequality and affordability are dominating the headlines. Week to Week will take a look at the issues and the people in local, state and national politics. In its first two years, Week to Week has become a must-attend political discussion and social event. Join our panelists for informative and engaging commentary on political and other major news, audience discussion of the week’s events and our news quiz!
And stay after the program to meet other smart and engaged individuals and discuss the news over snacks and wine at our member social (open to all attendees).
The Commonwealth Club of California
595 Market St.
San Francisco, 94102
United States

Larry Gerston
Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, San Jose State University; Political Analyst, NBC Bay Area; Author, Not So Golden After All: The Rise and Fall of California; Twitter @lgerston

Carla Marinucci
Senior Political Writer, San Francisco Chronicle; Twitter @cmarinucci

Bill Whalen
Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Twitter @hooverwhalen

John Zipperer
Vice President of Media & Editorial, Commonwealth Club—Host